Teas For Upset Stomach
These teas are great for indigestion!
Erin Russell

For centuries, people have used teas for a variety of purposes. Some people like to drink tea to give them energy as an alternative to coffee, while others tend to drink it overly sweetened with their favorite home cooked country meal. But teas also have health benefits; the following teas are known for their ability to aid in digestion.

Black Tea for Constipation

Flickr/Yuki Yaginumi
Flickr/Yuki Yaginumi

If you are experiencing constipation (having trouble with bowel movements), then black tea would be a suitable aid. Drinking black tea—either hot or iced—can have a mild laxative effect which can help get your digestive system moving.

Kombucha: The Natural Probiotic

A new health craze, kombucha tea is here to help. Kombucha contains live bacteria, and according to NPR, there is evidence that these bacteria can help with digestion.

Kombucha is made from adding yeast and bacteria to black or green tea. After fermenting for a week or more, the tea is ready for packaging and consumption.

It is safest to buy this tea already made as concocting your own version at home could invite some unfriendly bacteria into your drink.

Beat the Bloat with Licorice

Sip on licorice tea if your tummy is feeling out of whack. Licorice is a known natural antacid. It can be used to relieve indigestion in addition to heartburn and mild acid reflux. It has a mild laxative and diuretic effect which will also help relieve bloating.

Peppermint for IBS


IBS, irritable bowel syndrome, affects approximately 5 million Americans. IBS can cause many undesirable effects in the digestive system such as bloating, diarrhea, gas, and abdominal pain. Drinking peppermint tea can ease discomfort as peppermint contains menthol which has an antispasmodic effect. This will help calm the gastrointestinal tract.

Drinking peppermint tea is not recommended for those who have gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as GERD.

Chamomile: Capable of Anything

Flickr/Toshiyuki IMAI
Flickr/Toshiyuki IMAI

In Germany, Chamomile is a widely used herbal remedy and is called allles zutraut (“capable of anything”) because it has so many beneficial health effects. Drink chamomile tea to help soothe common indigestion and its side effects such as gas and heartburn.

Chamomile tea is safe for children as well. It has been shown to be effective in treating diarrhea.

Warm Up with Ginger

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, making it the ideal candidate for a tea to aid in indigestion. Ginger can cause your body to generate more heat, so if you aren’t too comfortable with that sensation in addition to your digestive issues, doctors recommend against it.

The benefits of ginger also include preventing motion sickness, nausea, and vomiting.

Dandelion: Not Just a Weed


Dandelion tea has been used traditionally in folk medicine. Tea made from the flowers, leaves, or roots can help reduce bloating and relieve constipation.

So the next time you’re feeling those uncomfortable side effects of indigestion, or maybe you would like to prevent these symptoms, consider a natural option. Brew a nice warm glass of your choice of tea, and curl up on the couch with a good book or your favorite binge-worthy show.

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Sources: [Healthline, Healthline, NPR, Reader’s Digest, University of Maryland Medical Center]
