11 Facts About Handwriting
Are these observations accurate for you?
Ryan Aliapoulios

Have you ever thought about why your handwriting is the way it is?

Everybody remembers in primary school those few people that had truly immaculate handwriting. All their figures were within the lines, the words were perfectly and evenly spaced out and the pressure on each letter was even. People with great handwriting can make even boring notes look like a work of art.

Still, did you know that your handwriting may say more about your personality than you might think?

Although we can take deliberate steps to improve certain aspects of our penmanship, everyone has their own distinct style of writing that is relatively unchangeable. Still, taking a closer look at your writing can give you some insight into yourself.

Here are 11 elements of handwriting that say something about you.

1. Letter size

When you write, is your lettering relatively small? Is it average? Maybe even large? Your answer can mean a lot of different things. Small letters generally indicate shyness or introversion whereas large letters might indicate extroversion or a need for attention. Average-sized letters indicate a well-adjusted and adaptable person.

2. Word spacing

Similarly, the amount of room you leave between your words may also reveal something. Those who write everything really close together may need to be surrounded by others at all times. Those who leave more space enjoy their freedom and might not want to be crowded.

3. Slanting

Do you generally write at an angle? Those who write their letters in a neutral and upright position are said to be logical and practical. A forward-aiming, right slant usually indicates an openness to new people and experiences. A slant to the left or backwards could mean you like to keep to yourself—though if you’re right-handed and do this, it could just mean you’re rebellious!

4. Letter shapes

Different scripts come in different styles. Rounded letters might show a creative or artistic bent, whereas sharp and pointed lettering shows aggressiveness and intensity. Finally, smooth and connected letters might reveal a systematic and logical thinker.

5. Looping

Do your l’s have big or tight loops? What about your lower-case e’s? In some cases, tight l-loops show a more restricted personality whereas loopier l’s are more spontaneous. Similarly, tightly-looped e’s may reveal skepticism of others whereas open e’s reflect more flexibility.

6. Dotted i’s

What about dotting your i’s? The position of the dot over the i may reveal more than you think. Directly above generally means you’re an organized and detail-oriented person whereas one slightly to the left might mean you’re a procrastinator. Someone who does deliberate circles over their i’s might even be a creative visionary!

7. Open and closed o’s

What about your o’s? Those who write in a rush and leave their o’s open may be more talkative and social. On the other hand, those who take pains to close their o’s are likely more privative.

8. Crossing the t’s

Crossing t’s can also reveal quite a lot. Those who cross high on their t’s are considered optimistic and high in self-esteem, while those cross lower may have lower self-expectations—the middle may be just right! Similarly, longer crosses might show determination and enthusiasm while shorter crosses might show a streak of laziness.

9. Lowercase s’s

Those sneaky s’s can also tell you quite a lot. Those who round out their s’s are likely to be people pleasers who want to avoid confrontations. Pointy or sharp lowercase s’s may indicate ambition or inquisitiveness. Finally, smaller s’s that are wide on the bottom may mean that the writer is not following their truest dreams.

10. Pressure

The amount of pressure we put on our pens may also reveal something about us. Those who really lay into their pen strokes to leave heavy marks are often unafraid of commitment—though anyone who does this a little too hard might be uptight or unable to take criticism. Those with lighter pressure in their script are likely to be more empathetic towards others, though it may come at the cost of getting their own goals accomplished.

11. Speed

Finally, how fast you write also plays into the production of handwriting. Fast writers are unlikely to be time-wasters—they emphasize efficiency and might be impatient. On the other hand, slow writers are more likely to be methodical and deliberate. They may also be better organized!

Do you think these observations are accurate? Tell us in the comments below!

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